The End
in Charlotte, NC
Blend Conference had a good run and was hosted in the glorious city of Charlotte. For 3 days you could shut your devices off and enjoy some lovely conversations about user experience, design, and development and our fabulous speakers. For posterity, we present you a wrap-up of each year.
- No DevicesWait. What? You read that right. Every year we ripped folks apart from the technology they loved so much. Laptops, tablets and phones weren't allowed during our conference sessions.
- Custom NotebooksWe went analog. Each person received a custom hard cover notebook along with something fancy to write with. They took notes, doodled some sketch notes, or jotted down the names of new friends.
- DiversityEvery year we spent months curating a diverse group of talented speakers. Some spoke often. Others are spoke for the first time. We also did out best to help attract a diverse group of fellow attendees.
Over the 3 years of the conference we invited over 160 different folks in our industry come to Charlotte. They were amazing, kind, and did such a great job making BlendConf what it was.
- Greg Baugues Table XIDevelopers, Designers, and Depression Keynote
- Kimberly Bryant Black Girls CodeBlack Girls Code Keynote
- Ashe Dryden Ashe Dryden DevelopmentProgramming Diversity Keynote
- Scott Hanselman MicrosoftJavaScript, The Cloud, and the rise of the New Virtual Machine Keynote
- Denise Jacobs The Creative DoseThe Brain Unchained Keynote
- Leslie Jensen-Inman 加速器比较好Learn It Forward Keynote
- Cameron Moll 十大加速器排名Cohesive UX Keynote
- Mike Monteiro Mule DesignHow Designers Destroyed the World Keynote
- Jennifer Pahlka Code for AmericaThe Future of Interfaces to Government Keynote
- Bermon Painter Cardinal SolutionsBe Keynote
- Carl Smith nGen WorksYour Money & Your Life Keynote
- Angel Anderson Crispin Porter + BoguskyC-Speak: Presenting UX To Deciders 加速器比较好
- Julie Ann Horvath 十大加速器排名A Tale of Two Codebases 十大加速器排名
- Melissa Avery-Weir Future Proof GamesSimple Accessibility: The Bare Minimum for Compassionate Development Front-End
- Albert Banks MyjiveDiscovering Unexpected Ideas Using Generative Design Design
- Magnus Bergmark DobermanThe Design in Service Design 十大加速器排名
- Mike Bifulco 加速器比较好Designing for Windows 8 vs iOS and Android User Experience
- Sara Blake ZSOThe Love of Making Design
- Paul Boag HeadscapeDigital Adaptation – Time to Untie your Hands User Experience
- Marc Bolick Design ThinkersThink Like a Startup Design
- Jina Bolton DoRealigning & Refactoring UI Front-End
- Mark Boulton Mark Boulton DesignMy Handbook User Experience
- Garth Braithwaite AdobeDesigners Can Open Source Design
- Michael Chatten 加速器比较好Discovering Unexpected Ideas Using Generative Design 加速器比较好
- Lil Chen lilchen.comAdvice from a young designer to younger designers Design
- Tiffany Chu Code for AmericaCivic Design: Charlotte Code for America
- Sougwen Chung FreelanceProcess, Poetics and Performance 十大加速器排名
- Darcy Clarke 十大加速器排名You, Me & the Future of Online Video 加速器比较好
- Adam Connor MadPowDiscussing Design: The Art of Critique User Experience
- J. Cornelius Nine LabsDigital Fluency and User Experience 加速器比较好
- Amanda Costello The University of MinnesotaI Don't Have Your Ph.D. - Working with Content Specialists & Experts User Experience
- Kacey Coughlin 加速器比较好CSS: A Slippery Slope to the Backend Front-End
- Abby Covert IA InstituteHow to Make Sense of Any Mess User Experience
- Chris Coyier CodepenSVG is for Everybody Front-End
- Sandra Davila 加速器比较好Organisms: Emerging tools for ecosystem design. User Experience
- Dan Denny Envy LabsResponsive Email Design and Tooling 十大加速器排名
- Garren DiPasquale 十大加速器排名Incorporating Lean UX into Agile User Experience
- Louise Downe Government Digital ServiceRedesigning government as an agile service platform User Experience
- Jenn Downs Be ParticularEmpathy Cannot Be Automated User Experience
- Clinton Dreisbach 加速器比较好Full-Stack Clojure Back-End
- Ron Edelen MyjiveDiscovering Unexpected Ideas Using Generative Design Design
- Julia Elman To The Moon And Back: Taking the Leap Towards Solving Big Problems Back-End
- Steve Fadden 十大加速器排名Research in an agile world 加速器比较好
- Nicole Fenton 加速器比较好Interface Writing: Code for Humans 十大加速器排名
- Nick Finck projekt202The Nuances of UX User Experience
- Anders Frostenson DobermanThe Design in Service Design 十大加速器排名
- Alex Gaynor 十大加速器排名Beyond MVC Back-End
- Mark Geyer SalesforceInterface Animations Workshop Design
- Zoe Gillenwater Booking.comPutting Flexbox into practice Front-End
- Martha Girdler UberTeaching with JavaScript Front-End
- Aaron Gustafson Easy DesignsFalling in Love with Forms Front-End
- Scott Hanselman MicrosoftAzure for non-Microsoft People Back-End
- Yoko Harada Think RelevanceRuby Meets Clojure Flavored Database Back-End
- Tessa Harmon SkookumBuilding Single Page Apps Front-End
- Christy Harner Binary VenturesThe Creation of a Brand Design
- Mariah Hay Universal MindConfusing UX with UI can cost you User Experience
- Val Head Ladies in TechWeb Designer/ Motion Designer Front-End
- Andrew Hinton The Understanding GroupThe World Is the Screen: Understanding Information Environments 加速器比较好
- Allison House Start at the Top: Getting Your First Design Job in Tech Design
- Shay Howe BellyFront-End Legos: Reusable HTML and CSS Front-End
- Greg Hoy 十大加速器排名Work is the Magic Bullet 加速器比较好
- Sarah Hudson TimeTapBeginner AngularJS and Interaction Design Front-End
- Adam Hunter 加速器比较好Rangular: Blending Rails and Angular for Enterprise Applications Back-End
- Jason Hunter Red VenturesAPI Anecdotes and Aspirations Back-End
- Leslie J. Morse Davisbase ConsultingA How-To Guide to Transferable Business Analysis Skills User Experience
- Garrett Johnson Segment.ioReaching asynchronous cloud nine in JavaScript Back-End
- Zak Kain ShopifyBuilding a Content Strategy Practice User Experience
- Sam Kapila The Iron YardThe (Hover) State of Web Design Education Design
- Matt Keener Cardinal SolutionsDesigning & Developing Data Visualizations with D3.js Front-End
- Vernon Kesner AllyModular Development with RequireJS Front-End
- Steve Klabnik Freelance, MozillaApplications, Languages, and Libraries Back-End
- Michael Labriola Digital PrimatesHands-on with Polymer Front-End
- Wren Lanier BrambleSecret Sauce: Designing on the Z-Axis Design
- Robyn Larsen Normative Next-level Animations and Effects with SVG Front-End
- Gilbert Lee PluralsightDesigning the Product vs. Designing the Experience User Experience
- Ben Lehnert WunderlistLove & Trust – What we know about relationships holds true in products User Experience
- Hunter Loftis HerokuBuilding Microservices, Together Back-End
- John Long UserVoiceDefensive Sass - modular styles for the modern web Front-End
- Diana Lucaci 加速器比较好Neuromarketing: The Next Generation of Customer Intelligence Design
- Andrew Maier UX BoothDesign for Literacy User Experience
- Mina Markham Hillary for AmericaFinding Your Sassy Tribe 十大加速器排名
- Netta Marshall WatsiGood Design for Good Reason Design
- Lisa Maria Martin Independent Content StrategistPolishing Your Content Publishing Process User Experience
- Brandon Mathis Mongo HQDesign The Code: Letting Care and Curiosity Shape Your Career. Front-End
- Joshua Mauldin Invisible InterfaceDoes this paragraph make me look fat? (A conversation on typography) Design
- Cameron Moll 十大加速器排名Creative Authenticity Design
- Diana Mounter EtsyEmpowering Designers Who Code Design
- Stacey Mulcahy MicrosoftHardware for a Soft World Back-End
- Rebecca Murphey BazaarVoiceAin't No Party Like A Third-Party JS Party Front-End
- Jen Myers Dev BootcampShepherding Unicorns: How to be a Good Web Mentor Front-End
- Rachel Nabors RachelNabors.comJavaScript for Designers Front-End
- Wynn Netherland GitHubCraft your own IDE in the shell Back-End
- David Newton ShopifyUniversal Web Design: How to Create an Awesome Experience for Every User 十大加速器排名
- Moses Ngone 十大加速器排名The Web Developer's Toolbag Back-End
- Cat Noone LiberioLove & Trust – What we know about relationships holds true in products User Experience
- Heather O'Neill Pixels for HumansHow Usable Are You? User Experience
- Rachel Ober Paperless PostTeam Communication Through Code Back-End
- Ally Palanzi Vox MediaWorking together, learning together: How front-end and full-stack developers can empower each other 十大加速器排名
- Michael Parenteau Think RelevanceRemote Pairing for Designers and Developers Front-End
- Rachel Parsons Cardinal SolutionsiOS Development: Designers + Developers Back-End
- Pamela Pavliscak Change SciencesDesign for the One Little Thing that Changes Everything User Experience
- Heather Payne 十大加速器排名Lessons Learned from Teaching Thousands of People to Code Front-End
- Irene Pereyra FiLearnings from Collaborating across UX and Design Design
- Yesenia Perez-Cruz Happy CogOne Size Fits None: Creating Flexible Design Processes Design
- Clarissa Peterson Peterson/KandyResponsive Typography 十大加速器排名
- Patrick Quattlebaum Adaptive PathService Design Making User Experience
- Teresa Rench 十大加速器排名Collaborative by Design User Experience
- Anton Repponen FiLearnings from Collaborating across UX and Design Design
- Nora Richardson Spot-on BrandingDesigning for a Brand Aware-less Customer Design
- Rich Robinson SkookumDesigners & Developers (In Harmony) Design
- Eden Rohatensky Vox MediaWorking Together, Learning Together: How Front-End and Full-Stack Developers Can Empower Each Other Front-End
- Michelle Salater 十大加速器排名Sell Your Story, Grow Your Business: How to Create Engaging Content That Attracts and Converts User Experience
- Claudina Sarahe OddBirdGetting to know Sass Front-End
- Divya Sasidharan SparkboxGood Code Bad Code; an exploration of what good code really means and how we can write better code Back-End
- Sophie Shepherd Happy CogDesigning for Clients: Working Together For The Health of the Project Design
- Kendra Shillington Design ThinkersThink Like a Startup Design
- Mark Shropshire Classic GraphicsBuilding Modern Web Applications with Meteor Back-End
- Jessie Shternshus The Improv EffectThink like them: Solving UX Problems User Experience
- Leah Silber Tilde IncBuilding OSS-Centric Companies (and why you want to) Back-End
- Jen Simmons The Web AheadModern Layouts: Getting Out of Our Ruts Front-End
- Tim Smith The East WingBecome a Better Designer with Side Projects Design
- Crystal Starks Quiet Stream FinancialI challenge you with this. User Experience
- Larry Staton Hendrick AutomotiveHTTP 101 Back-End
- Matt Stevens Design Office of Matt StevensFight to do the Work You Love 加速器比较好
- Amanda Stockwell Aquent/352 IncResearch is not just for UXers User Experience
- Scott Stroud NPRDesigning for Love User Experience
- Marco Suarez MailchimpWhat I learned while starting an intensive design class Design
- Eric M Suzanne 加速器比较好Sass Map Magic Front-End
- Rikki Teeters Cardinal SolutionsCreating a Holistic Financial Experience Strategy User Experience
- Tessa Thornton ShopifyComponents are the future of the web: It's going to be okay. Front-End
- Jason Toth VigetMore Than UI: How the Brand Plays a Role in the User Experience 十大加速器排名
- Paul Trani AdobeDesigning Killer Apps & Websites Using Photoshop Design
- Helen V. Holmes Capital OneI'm a Generalist Too, It's Gonna Be Fine Front-End
- Joel Van Dyke Design ThinkersThink Like a Startup Design
- Ben Vandgrift Think RelevanceFrom Glider to Gulf Stream 加速器比较好
- Jason Vanlue 加速器比较好Three Pipe Problems User Experience
- Bryan Veloso RevyverHybrids Rule Everything Around Me Design
- Mindy Wagner Viget LabsConvincing Clients Without (Much) Bravado Design
- Nate Walkingshaw PluralsightProduct Development Life Skills & Building Awesome Product Teams User Experience
- Brad Weaver Nine LabsHow to Do Great Work Without Losing Your Shirt (and Soul) Design
- Lisa Welchman Welchman PierpointWeb Governance: Where Strategy Meets Structure User Experience
- James White Signal NoiseDesign Renegade Design
- James Williamson 加速器比较好Stop Saying 'Just' Front-End
- Mark Wilson Logical AdvantageMicrosoft Azure Hands On Back-End
- Laura Helen Winn 加速器比较好Take a Deep Breath: We're All in This Together Design
- Michelle Yaiser AdobeHands-on with Polymer Front-End
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